Friday, January 24, 2025

A One Million Kitchen Initiative That Is Curbing Food Crisis in Kenya


The Kenyan Ministry of agriculture recently launched a startup kit known as One Million kitchen garden initiative with the hope of curbing food crisis across the country. 

The initiative has managed to support 206,742 households that have suffered the effects of COVID-19 pandemic to set up  kitchen gardens.

“We have supported 206,742 households in setting up Kitchen gardens and shall continue supporting more,” says a tweet from Ann Nyaga CAS- Ministry of Agriculture.

Ms Nyaga further explains that to know if you’re eligible for a startup kit, one is required to contact the County’s Department of Agriculture for eligibility criteria since the selection process is done at the grass root level. 

She adds that different county’s may have different eligibility criteria. 

The initiative aims to cushion vulnerable households by ensuring diet improvement through access to fruits, vegetables and herbs in order to boost immunity.

The startup kit consists of a tank with a capacity of 50 litres and a shade net. The kit also has 10gms seeds of various vegetables such as mchicha, spinach, kales, night shade and also small livestock such as rabbits and poultry.

As for the farming method, the initiative recommends vertical farming technologies such as multi-storey gardens, hanging gardens, cone gardens etc. for efficiency on space and water management.

The ministry also plans on sharing ‘How to’ videos on their social media platforms to help guide Kenyans on how they can use the startup kit using different kitchen garden technologies.

Alternatively, one can visit their home based kitchen garden model where they show case simple and effective technologies for fresh vegetables and fruits in line with the initiative.

Its open to the public every Wednesday.

Read also: Nearly all Liberians cannot afford a $6 square meal

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