Saturday, May 4, 2024

Why Academic Degrees Don’t Guarantee Financial Success


By Pauline Muindi

A few decades ago, a college degree was something special. It was a sure path to financial success for most people.

Soon after graduation (or even before), one would get a job in a good company or the government. That would kick off a successful career with a decent salary, attractive allowances, and opportunities for further development.

Sadly, things have changed over the years. Today, a Bachelor’s degree is a mere pre-requisite for most jobs; it doesn’t even guarantee you a first interview. There is an excess of Bachelor degrees, and Master’s degrees are rapidly depreciating in value as well. Degree inflation has made employers start demanding degrees even for jobs that don’t really require one.

While education has its place in the moulding of a successful entrepreneur or career professional, it might not guarantee financial success. Most of us know several people who were brilliant in school, but turned out to be less successful in life.

Here are three reasons why college education isn’t a sure way to financial success:

School Doesn’t Teach Financial Literacy

School might give you theoretical knowledge on many topics. But the formal education system is poor at teaching financial skills. They might touch on a few financial and entrepreneurial topics but the knowledge is mostly theoretical. Most students forget the lessons as soon as they write their exams. Adding to the problem, few teachers are well-equipped to teach financial literacy.

After graduation, few students know how to earn money and manage it. Even fewer have working knowledge of topics such as taxes, mortgage, and the stock market. Understanding of financial basics such as earning, budgeting, saving, debt, and investing can mean the difference between financial success and lifelong poverty.

To get good financial education, one has to find it themselves or be taught at home. You can do this by reading books written by successful entrepreneurs and financial gurus. Most importantly, you need to apply financial lessons you learn in your life.

Grades Skew Perception

Let’s say you were a straight A student in school. This has primed you to expect that you’ll be successful in everything you put your mind to. But nothing could be further from reality. In real life, you will fail many times before you become a success.

A Boston College researcher Karen Arnold tracked more than 80 valedictorians – who had high grades in college – over 14 years to find out how they fared in the real world. Overall, these “best and brightest” students had grown into well-adjusted and successful adults. But none of them could be categorised as visionaries or trailblazers. “Valedictorians aren’t likely to be the future’s visionaries,” explained Dr Arnold. “They typically settle into the system instead of shaking it up.”

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