Thursday, May 9, 2024

TIACA survey highlights air cargo industry’s growing focus on sustainability


TIACA‘s survey on sustainability in air cargo operations reveals a shifting landscape within the industry, as environmental concerns take center stage. Conducted in partnership with consultancy Change Horizon and gathering insights from over 280 air cargo professionals, the survey unveils a growing pressure to adopt sustainable practices, albeit with disparities between organizations of different sizes. 

The findings indicate that 67% of respondents perceive an increased pressure to prioritize sustainability compared to the previous year. This surge is predominantly attributed to demands from both business partners and regulatory bodies, reflecting a broader global trend towards environmental consciousness. 

Customer expectations emerge as a primary driver for sustainability initiatives, with 80% of respondents citing customer demand as a key motivator, representing a two-percentage point increase from the previous year. Additionally, the survey highlights a growing internal impetus towards sustainability, with 73% of respondents acknowledging employee-driven initiatives, and 69% emphasizing the importance of satisfying business partners’ sustainability expectations. 

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However, a notable discrepancy emerges between larger and smaller organizations concerning the implementation of sustainability strategies. While 92% of large companies have dedicated sustainability strategies in place, only 56% of medium-sized companies and 46% of small companies have established similar frameworks. Similarly, the survey reveals disparities in sustainability reporting practices, with 70% of large companies producing sustainability reports compared to just 21% of medium-sized companies and 17% of small companies. 

Addressing this gap, TIACA’s Director General, Glyn Hughes, emphasizes the need for industry-wide support to facilitate sustainability efforts across all organizational sizes. To this end, TIACA announces plans to launch a certified carbon offsetting program tailored to smaller companies, aiming to streamline sustainability initiatives and enhance accessibility to sustainable practices. 

In terms of emissions reduction strategies, the survey highlights a focus on energy consumption reduction (76%), fleet renewal (75%), and fleet utilization optimization (72%). Additionally, investments in sustainable fuel (57%), asset weight reduction (51%), and green building initiatives (49%) are identified as key areas of focus within the industry. 

The survey underscores positive trends in talent development and diversity initiatives within air cargo companies. Around 79% of respondents indicate that their companies invest in training and education, with 76% aiming to improve the employee experience and 70% advancing diversity and inclusion efforts. 


Solomon Irungu
Solomon Irungu
Solomon Irungu is a Communication Expert working with Impact Africa Consulting Ltd supporting organizations across Africa in sustainability advisory. He is also the managing editor of Africa Sustainability Matters and is deeply passionate about sustainability news. He can be contacted via

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