Kenya is among a handful of nations worldwide generating and consuming electricity almost completely from renewable sources.
Geothermal is serving as Kenya’s baseload while hydropower stations, which are very flexible to adjust power output, are acting as spinning reserve for balancing out fluctuations in wind and solar sources. This synchronised ecosystem is working just fine, indicating renewables can be self-sustaining.
Kenya’s generation mix stood at 94.7 percent green last month, with thermal plants (heavy fuel generators) accounting for only four percent, and hydropower imports from neighbouring Uganda at one percent. The East African economy has now set its sights on hitting the 100 percent green sweet spot, with the shift expected to dramatically shrink its carbon footprint.
Below is the generation mix data covering the past five months compiled by the Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (Epra).
Read also: KenGen partners with private investors to develop geothermal energy