Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Younger people are less forgiving in terms of sustainability sins


Sustainability is important for all age groups but younger people are much more informed and knowledgeable about brands and their sustainability behavior.

This is according to the World’s Largest Study on Sustainability Insights and Sustainable Brands – – Sustainability Perception Index report– released by Latana.

The report says that young people are more vocal about sustainability and stricter about boycotting non sustainable brands.

“Fifty-five percent of age groups between 18 -24 agreed that they would NOT buy from a brand they knew to be acting non-sustainably,” says the report.

In one of the many oddities of biology, kids hear differently than the rest of us. There are frequencies that only teens and young adults can make out. Lately it seems that the under-30 crowd is hearing one particular high pitch much better than the rest of us, including most business leaders: the alarm that climate scientists have been sounding.

And while executives do increasingly seem to be moving toward action on climate change, with public pronouncements to cut their own emissions or buy renewable energy are becoming the norm in large companies, it’s not clear whether those actions are enough to satisfy this next generation of customers and employees. In fact, companies seem to be more comfortable taking public stands on issues like race, immigration, gun violence, and transgender rights before speaking strongly on the environment.

“Sustainability is one of the most important issues of our time. Brands no longer have the luxury of ignoring sustainable practices. Consumer perception now has the power to shape a company’s future. Building a brand that is perceived as sustainable is now a requirement,” the report explains.

Latana is an AI-powered brand tracking organization that help brands make better marketing decisions by delivering world-class, scalable insights.

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